
I am Uloka Ngozi.

Frontend Developer


Hello there! 👋 I'm Uloka Ngozi

A passionate and creative Frontend Developer. I excel in crafting exceptional user experiences through my expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Continuously learning and staying updated with the latest trends, I strive to deliver cutting-edge solutions that leave a lasting impression. Collaboration and attention to detail define my approach, and I value teamwork as the key to successful projects.

Beyond coding, I have a keen interest in UI/UX design and graphic arts, which inspire my frontend development work. My ultimate goal is to make a positive impact on people's lives through technology, creating meaningful digital experiences that delight users.

My Skills


My Portfolio


What People Are Saying

user user user user user

My dear sister Ngozi has always been an incredible inspiration to our family.
Watching her embark on her journey as a web developer has been nothing short of amazing. She pours her heart and soul into every project, bringing creativity and innovation to life with her coding skills.

Uloka Maryann


As a backend developer, I greatly appreciate how effortlessly Ngozi integrates our backend functionalities into her frontend designs, creating a harmonious and cohesive product.

Johnson Akpan

PHP Developer

Beyond her technical skills, Ngozi is patient, kind, and always willing to explain things in a way that even non-tech-savvy people like me can understand.
I highly recommend my friend Ngozi to anyone in need of a talented and creative frontend developer.

Eseoghene Ibiri


Even as a non-tech person, I could easily recognize the talent and expertise Ngozi brings to the table. I have no doubt that she will continue to excel in her career as a frontend developer and make a significant impact in the industry

Judith Udeh

HR. Charitos

Working with Ngozi has been a delightful experience as she is always willing to lend a helping hand and share her knowledge with the team. Her commitment to excellence and attention to detail make her a valuable asset to any development team.

Victor Adeoye

Frontend Developer

Insights & Updates

Insightful articles to fuel your curiosity and knowledge

15th June 2023

4 min read

Journey to Building an Innovative Chat App: Trials, Learnings

Embarking on the development of a chat app was an exciting yet challenging journey... Read More

18th May 2023

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Finding Purpose Anew: Reigniting Passion on the Path to Tech

As I gazed at the computer screen, my mind was clouded with frustration and disillusionment... Read More

16th April 2023

7 min read

What happens when you type google.com in your browser and press Enter

This question is a classic and still widely used interview question for many types of software engineering position... Read More